Category: Smashing The Myths

  • Smashing The Myths : Reconciliation

    Breaking down the ‘Smashing The Myths‘ episode ‘Reconciliation‘ featuring Monica Morgan, Michael Mansell and Amy McQuire. You can read more about Smashing The Myths and the episode ‘Reconciliation’ here:

  • Gabi Hollows & Smashing The Myth : Fair Skin

    Gabi Hollows, founding director and the driving force behind The Fred Hollows Foundation, which she set up with her husband Fred Hollows in 1992. Smashing The Myths : Fair Skin an interview with Dr Dylan Coleman, you can hear all the interviews and more information about this here:    

  • “Reconciliation = Justice”

    Much of the dialogue regarding self-determination, sovereignty, land rights and treaty has been drowned out amidst endless political rhetoric and multimillion dollar public relations campaigns promoting ‘reconciliation’.  So where did ‘reconciliation’ originate from?  According to Gumbaynggirr historian Dr Gary Foley, “Reconciliation is an idea that entered the Australian debate, not as a spontaneous desire on […]

  • “Constitutional Recognition is a Good Thing”

    Starting in 2007 with former Liberal Prime Minister John Howard, the Australian Government has been pushing for ‘Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples’.  However, many First Nations people are questioning the motive behind this multimillion dollar campaign. Veteran Gunnai activist Robbie Thorpe believes including First Nations people in the Constitution equates to […]

  • “Native Title is Land Rights”

    In the course of his first voyage of ‘discovery’ during the late 1700s, James Cook claimed the entire east coast for Britain under the premise of terra nullius.  The struggle for Land Rights has been raging in this country for almost two and a half centuries now, a fight against theft, lies and genocide.  So […]

  • “Government Knows Best”

    “They have to be protected against themselves whether they like it or not. They cannot remain as they are…” – Western Australia’s Chief Protector of Aboriginals (late 1930s) For more than two centuries, the colonial government has denied First Nations people in this country the right to self-determination.  This has been a common trend when […]

  • “Sovereignty = Separatism”

    “It’s a natural human reaction to FEAR WHAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND and what you do not know…” What is ‘sovereignty’ and what does it mean to First Nations people in Australia? The Oxford Dictionary, defines sovereignty as “supreme power or authority, a self-governing state”. The First Nations sovereignty movement is often portrayed as the […]

  • “Aboriginal People Lived in Isolated Groups and Wandered Aimlessly”

    Listen to the Radio Episode Prior to European invasion in 1788, were Aboriginal people simply nomads who wandered around the wilderness purposelessly, aimlessly?  This is what a lot of mainstream Australian society seems to think about the history of this continent pre-colonization. “Our law enabled more than five hundred nations to live on and […]

  • “You’re not Aboriginal, You’ve Got Fair Skin”

    Listen to the Radio Episode WHITE IS THE NEW BLACK… IT’S SO HIP TO BE BLACK… these were the headlines two articles by right-wing columnist Andrew Bolt published in the Melbourne-based Herald Sun in 2009. Bolt’s talk of “political Aborigines” and “the white face of a new black race” landed him in the Federal […]

  • “Aboriginal People Should Forget The Past and Move On”

    Listen to the Radio Episode When you’re watching TV or reading the headlines and see Aboriginal people protesting in the streets on January 26, the day they term Invasion Day and Survival Day, or burning the Australian flag outside Parliament House, some can’t help but wonder why they can’t just forget the past and […]